Wear and tear is a common occurence for aerospace cutting tools especially if they are not properly maintained.
Regardless, it is a major concern in the aerospace industry.
It is because tool wear can lead to poor surface finish, dimensional inaccuracy, and increased machining costs.
It is important to understand the different types of tool wear and how to minimize it in order to ensure the quality and efficiency of aerospace machining operations.
Aerospace Cutting Tools: Tool Wear and How To Maintain
Types of Tool Wear in Aerospace Cutting Tools
There are three main types of tool wear:
Flank wear
This is the most common type of tool wear and occurs on the flank face of the tool.
It is caused by abrasion, which is the rubbing away of the tool material by the workpiece material.
This type of wear occurs on the side of the tool, away from the cutting edge.
It is caused by rubbing between the tool and the workpiece, as well as by the heat generated during machining.
This type of wear occurs at the very tip of the tool.
It is caused by the high temperatures and pressures generated during machining.
Tips for Minimizing Tool Wear in Aerospace Cutting Tools
Use a sharp cutting tool
A dull tool will wear faster and produce a poor surface finish.
Always use a sharp tool to ensure that the cutting edge is able to cut through the material cleanly.
Use the right cutting parameters
The cutting speed, feed rate, and depth of cut should be optimized for the material being machined.
Using the wrong cutting parameters can lead to excessive tool wear.
Use aerospace cutting tools with a high hardness
Aerospace materials are often very hard, so it is important to use a tool with a high hardness to resist wear.
Use a tool with a good toughness
Aerospace materials can be very tough, so it is important to use a tool with a good toughness to resist breaking.
In addition to these tips, it is also important to consider the following factors when minimi
Use a tool with a good heat resistance
Aerospace machining operations often generate a lot of heat, so it is important to use a tool with a good heat resistance to prevent the tool from softening and wearing.
Use a coolant
Coolant helps to remove heat from the cutting zone and prevent tool wear.
Coolant also helps to lubricate the cutting edge and prevent it from becoming sticky.
Use aerospace cutting tools with a good coating
A coating can help to improve the tool’s wear resistance and performance.
Coatings such as TiN, TiCN, and AlTiN are commonly used in aerospace cutting tools.
Inspect tools regularly
Inspect tools for signs of wear and damage and replace them as needed.
Regular inspection can help to prevent unexpected tool failure and downtime.
Store tools properly
Last but not least, you have to store the cutting tools in a clean, dry place to prevent damage.
Custom Aerospace Cutting Tools in Malaysia
The answer lies with ASIME, a leading cutting tools manufacturer in Malaysia.
Take the leap and explore the world of customized aerospace cutting tools ASIME.
We can provide you with our wide range of Aerospace cutting tools that meet your requirements.
So, contact Asime today and explore our custom cutting tool services.
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